Project: Tehransar Project, Tehran, Iran

Tehransar Project Tehran, Iranian Building, Architect, Design Contest Iran, Info
Contemporary Iranian Project - design by Daneshgar Architects

Tehransar Project, Tehran, Iran

Design : Daneshgar Architects
A Large Scale Urban Development Project
We have a clear vision of what we are dreaming. We dream of making a platform for social interactions. We dream of maximizing the quality of living within every moments of daily life. We dream of a city with high standards of living, working, studying & entertaining. Tehransar site makes our dreams become true.

Tehransar Project
image from the architect
For the benefit of the project we have employed the notion of water in shape of a symbolic star which divides the building ground into 5 inhomogeneous zones:

Zone 1 & 2 for Shopping in an inspiring atmosphere
Zone 3 for entertainment & taking part in leisure activities
Zone 4 for accommodating cultural and educational facilities
Zone 5 for positioning hotels and first class accommodation possibilities
A network of circular road and suspended cable railway affords the internal connection of these zones with each other.

Tehransar Project Tehran Tehransar Project Tehran Design Tehransar Project Design Tehransar Tehran
images from the architect

Tehransar Project Tehran, Iran - Building Information

Type: Public Development
Location: Tehran, Iran
Client: Private
Architect: Armin Daneshgar
Tehransar Project Tehran images / information from Daneshgar Architects

Daneshgar Architects is an architectural practice led by Dr. Armin Daneshgar with its central office based in Vienna, Austria.

                  Dept. of Architecture E-mail:
                  University of Mosul
                  Mosul - Iraq
Tel :           +964 (0)770 164 93 74
