Future Architecture : Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees

Future Architecture : Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees
 2570505804 94295a6338 Future Architecture : Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees

According to the less alarming forecasts of the GIEC (Intergovernmental group on the evolution of the climate), the ocean level should rise from 20 to 90 cm during the 21st Century with a status quo by 50 cm (versus 10 cm in the 20th Century). As a solution to this alarming problem architect Vincent Callebaut came up with this ecotectural marvel that could serve as a luxurious future retreat for 50,000 inhabitants seeking refuge from rising waters due to global warming. He believes the world will be desperately seeking shelter from the devastations of climate change, and hopes the auto-sufficient amphibious city will serve as a luxurious solution. To bad that right now we are close to 7 billion people and this luxurious future retreat is just for 50,000 inhabitants ( just for rich people ).

Vincent Callebaut called this project "Lilypad", but this ecotectural marvel is also called as "Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees". The whole structure is covered in green walls and roofs, the top portion covered in grasses with the inner portion featuring a palm oasis, and the under portion serving as a bed for natural sea planktons and oceanic plants. Finally if you were already planning to reserve a place to this luxurious future retreat stay calm, because Vincent Callebaut hopes that "Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees" will make the transition from design to reality around the year 2100.

The Lilypad floating city concept The Lilypad floating city concept The Lilypad floating city concept is designed to house climate change refugees The Lilypad floating city concept The Lilypad floating city concept The Lilypad floating city concept The Lilypad floating city concept The Lilypad floating city concept The Lilypad floating city concept The Lilypad floating city concept is designed to house climate change refugees

2569679309 1b96f596f3 Future Architecture : Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees2569679251 232ccb4117 Future Architecture : Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees2569679285 50245be2f6 Future Architecture : Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees2570505838 8755eff917 Future Architecture : Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees

                  Dept. of Architecture E-mail:        emadhanee@yahoo.com
                  University of Mosul
                  Mosul - Iraq
Tel :           +964 (0)770 164 93 74
