Klein Bottle House by McBride Charles Ryan
This vacation home design by McBride Charles Ryan called "Klein Bottle" is located in outside Melbourne Australia. It is a non-orientable surface, i.e., a surface (a two-dimensionaltopological space) with no distinction between the "inside" and "outside" surfaces.By constantly challenging our sense of perception, depth, linear orientation, interior/exterior space and pretty much any notion of what a dwelling should look like, the architects have successfully created a space that is surprisingly inviting and warm."
The surfaces that mathematicians have developed hold intrigue for architects as they hold a promise of new spatial relationships and configurations.
Technology (CAD) has played an important part in all this, it is now more possible to efficiently describe more complex shapes and spaces and communicate these to the build. Previously the more orthogonal means of communication – plans, sections and elevations naturally encourage buildings which are more easily described in these terms, i.e. boxes.
University of Mosul
Mosul - Iraq
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