Cultural Heritage Policy Documents
The following list of charters, conventions, and recommendations represent the chronological development of cultural policy over the last 95 years. Documents in the list are international, regional and/or national in their scope. Though not a comprehensive list of all national cultural policies and legislation, these documents identify key issues and represent key policies in the development of contemporary thinking about the conservation of cultural property. Each document is abstracted, and on the abstract page there is a link to the full text document when available.
At the end of the list you will find a roster of the international organizations principally responsible for these documents and links, where available, to their organizational Web sites.
The initial research for this section was undertaken for the Getty Conservation Institute by Erica Steele.
The following list is organized chronologically:
1877-1904 | ||
1930-39 | ||
1950-59 | ||
1960-69 | ||
1970-78 | ||
1980-89 | ||
1990-99 | ||
2000- | ||
The Principals of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings as Set Forth upon its Foundation (The SPAB Manifesto) (1877) | ||
Recommendations of the Madrid Conference (1904) | ||
General Conclusions of the Athens Conference (1931) | ||
Carta Di Atene (1931) | ||
Charter of Athens (1933) | ||
Roerich Pact: Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historic Monuments (1935) | ||
For more information on international cultural policy and legislation, please consult the following.
Phelan, Marilyn, Gary Edson and Kimberly P. Mayfield, eds. The Law of Cultural Property and Natural Heritage: Protection, Transfer, and Access (Evanston, Ill.: Kalos Kapp Press, 1998).
This document contains reference to a limited number of national charters and conventions for the protection of cultural heritage.
Burnham, Bonnie, ed. The Protection of Cultural Property, Handbook of National Legislations. (Paris: International Council of Museums, 1974).
Saba, Hanná and Nabil G. Salamé, eds. The Protection of Movable Cultural Property, Compendium of Legislative Texts, Volumes I and II (Paris: UNESCO, 1984). Translation of Protection du patrimoine culturel mobilier.
These resources contain information on the national legislation of other countries.
The Web sites of these organizations can provide background information. The starred entries also provide many full-text versions of the cultural heritage policy documents.
*Council of Europe ICOM (International Council of Museums)
*ICOMOS (International Council on Sites and Monuments)
ICAHM (International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (a committee of ICOMOS)
IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)
OWHC (Organization of World Heritage Cities)
*UNESCO (United National Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization) WMF (World Monuments Fund)
See also the Tufts Multi-laterals Project
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