Future Architect Program

السلام عليكم
اتمنى من جامعاتنا الاقتداء بجامعة القاهرة والتخطيط للتقديم لمثل هذه المساهمات
وتوسيعها لتشمل فئات عمرية اخرى وخصوصا طلبة الاعداديات


(Please forward to whom you think might be interested.....thanks)
Future Architect Program III
Summer 2011
1-    Introducing Younger Generations to the Architecture Profession
The Center for Architectural and Engineering Design
Support  takes  the initiative of developing our third
year summer program The Future Architect Program,
targeting school students introducing them to the
architecture profession The program presents  to
younger generations what is architecture and raises
their awareness of space and its beauty, not only
enabling students to gain knowledge and skills but
also helping them decide if they want to take
architecture and design as a career.

2-    Course Description
Architecture Design & Art and Visual training (basics)
Mixing Art & Architecture due to the strong relation between them.
We will introduce to the notion of a space and the design process,
design tools and modeling . Perspective principles will be presented
through creative and stimulating learning processes, tools &techniques
of drawing, graphics related to architecture, the art of colors and their
combinations, rendering and the use of computers in graphics will be
presented as well as the principles of creativity and innovation.
The Program is planned to offer 1 course this year for age group 8-12 yrs
on two consecutive rounds. Each course for 2 weeks in mixed classes = girls+boys and the round will be 48 hours divided into 8 sessions,4 sessions per week (6 hours a day+ 2 short breaks) and a lunch break shall take place. Students should bring their own lunch box.
3-    An exposition of students' work shall be organized
 the last day of instruction after class hours.
4-    Certificates will be presented to the students and parents
are highly recommended to attend on the final day.
5-    Basics of english language are necessary for applicants
to benefit from the courses. Sessions will be conducted
in arabic with some referral to expressions in english
 and the use of some english handouts.
6-    Location             : 5th floor, Architecture building,
                                        Engineering campus, Cairo University.
7-    Time                       : 4 days a week ; Mon., Tues., Wed.& Thurs
                                         9.00 am – 3.00 pm last timing for pick up is 4:00 pm.
8-    Round 1                 : Mon. 4th to Thurs. 14th of  july, 2011.
9-    Round 2                 : Mon. 18th to Thurs. 28th of july, 2011.
10-        Price/Course   : 650 Egyptian pounds.
11-        Registration    : First comer, First served
                                      last date for registration is Thursday 16/6/2011.
For registration and more information
Center for Architectural and Engineering Design
Support - 5th floor - Architecture building
Faculty of Engineering - Cairo University.
Tel  : 2567 8397
Fax :2774 0748
Program Director:
Arch.Rehab Zahran
Mobile: 0121622074
Program Coordinator:
Arch.Nihal Abd ElGawwad
Mobile: 0129069590
1-Arch. Rehab Zahran
2-Arch. Ahmed Elhosseiny
3- Arch. Ahmed Adel
4- Arch. Nihal Abd Elgawwad
5- Arch. Nada Hazem
6- Arch. Noha Elgamal
(In addition to a selected group of architecture students)
Future architect program

2 of 2 Photo(s)

Attachment(s) from Egypt Architecture
