CALL FOR APPLICATIONS:Dialectics between urban imaginaries and urban materialities’22 January – 25 January 2013 at Vienna University of Technology
Symposium and PhD workshop
'Dialectics between urban imaginaries and urban materialities'
22 January – 25 January 2013 at Vienna University of Technology
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space (SKuOR) atVienna University of Technology and the City of Vienna Visiting Professor Prof.D.Phil. Maria Kaika (University of Manchester) host a public symposium aimed atresearchers and practitioners in the field of urban theory, urban intervention, social/spatial practices, political ecology, urban cultures and public space.
The symposium concludes SKuOR's annual teaching and research theme'Urbanculture, public space and resources. Aesthetics and materiality', which hasappr oached materialities and the changing aesthetics of space as a facet and theoutcome of the social production of space.
By undertaking an interdisciplinaryapproach, the team, assembling various disciplinary backgrounds, has beenresearching how institutional arrangements (interplay of the civil society, state andmarkets), political, economic and social processes, as well as discourses manifest ina city's space. Keynote speakers from both the field of urban theory and urbanpractice will contribute to a debate on the dialectics between urban imaginaries andurban material cities.
Up to 10 PhD students, who will be selected for the course on the basis of submis-sion of their abstracts, will have the opportunity to:1)present their research and receive feedback on their work fromthekeynote speakers the visiting professor, the SKuOR team, urbanpractitioners, and other participants. The presentation will be in the form of a 15-minute PowerPoint talk, followed by discussion,2)participate in an interactive PhD workshop, coordinated by Prof. MariaKaika. This will provide inputs on research skills and academic publishing,
Department of Spatial Development,Infrastructure & EnvironmentalPlanningInterdisciplinary Centre for UrbanCulture and Public Space[E280.A1 SKuOR]
Karlsgasse 13, 1040 WienTel.: (+43-1) 58801-280021Fax: (+43-1)
Vienna, November 21 2012
Department of Spatial Development,Infrastructure & EnvironmentalPlanningInterdisciplinary Centre for UrbanCulture and Public Space[E280.A1 SKuOR]
Karlsgasse 13, 1040 WienTel.: (+43-1) 58801-280021Fax: (+43-1)
Vienna, November 21 2012
Ph.D. in Technologies for the Exploitation
of the Cultural Heritage .
Senior Lecturer in the Dept. of Architecture
College of Engineering , University of Mosul
Mosul - Iraq .
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Tel : +964 (0)770 164 93 74
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