موقع لمجسمات تخيلية لاثار مدينة بابل

السلام عليكم
موقع لمجسمات تخيلية لاثار مدينة بابل

Reconstruction of the ancient city of Babylon was created by me between March and May of 2013 for the Mesopotamia exhibition of the Royal Ontario Museum. See ROM webpage for more information.
As there are more than enough textual, but not enough visual material on the web, this site will consist mostly of visuals.   

Click on map below for a larger version with labels

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Personally I don't believe Hanging Gardens were located as shown below, but Royal Ontario Museum specificially asked me to place them over the vaulted structure at the palace. As no one knows better and there is not much to do for now, I left them at the current location.

                 Ph.D. in Technologies for the Exploitation
                 of the Cultural Heritage .
                 Senior Lecturer in the Dept. of Architecture

                 College of Engineering , University of Mosul 
                 Mosul - Iraq .

E-mail:        emadhanee@yahoo.com
Tel :           +964 (0)770 164 93 74

