3rd International Conference On "Sustainable Innovative Techniques In Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering" (SITACEE - 2014)
3rd International Conference On "Sustainable Innovative Techniques In Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering" (SITACEE - 2014) Organized by "Krishi Sanskriti" On 26th and 27th April, 2014 Venue: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi CALL FOR PAPERS AND CONFERENCE THEMES: The Organizer cordially invites abstracts and full length research papers from all over the World to participate in the 3rd International Conference on "Sustainable Innovative Techniques in Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering" (SITACEE - 2014). Topics of interest for submission include various subthemes, but are not limited to the conference aims. The aim of the SITACEE-2014 conference is to provide a forum for laying the foundations of a new principled approach to Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering. To this end, the meeting aims to attract participants with different backgrounds, to foster cross-pollination between different research fields, and to expose and discuss innovative theories, frameworks, methodologies, tools, and applications for sustainable development. All contribution should be of high quality, Original and not published elsewhere or submitted for publication. During the review period, Papers will be reviewed by eminent scholars in the respective areas. All Selected papers will be published as chapters in edited book and few high-end papers will be published in international Journal having ISSN No. which will be issued to authors after publication. Themes: Architecture and Urban Planning - "And On Your Left": Taking the Architectural Tour Seriously - Adapted reuse - Advanced Construction Materials - Aesthetics and Landscape Energy - After Representation: Architecture Displays Itself - Architectural Design and Theories - Architectural Design and Theories - Architectural Environment and Equipment Engineering - Architectural Histories of Maritime Asia - Architecture and Art: Latin America and Plastic Integration - Architecture and Building Materials - Architecture and the Unconscious - Architecture RePerformed: The Politics of Reconstruction - Art Design and Landscape Architecture - Beyond Slab and Subdivision: Housing Alternatives after 1947 - Bioclimatic design - Building Technology Science - Can We Call it Medieval Urban Planning? - Case studies - City, Region or Nation? Rewriting India's Modern Architectures - Computers in Architecture - Conceptions of Public Space in the Early Modern World - Conservation and Equipment - Construction and Renewable Energy Sources - Deep History: Physiology, Cognitive Science, and Architecture - Design by passive systems - Design Innovation; Regenerative Design; Resilient Design; Biophilia; Universal Design; Adaptation; Flexibility; Integrated design - Design with nature - Developments and innovations in architecture and construction - Display Architecture: Department Stores and Modern Retails - Ecological and cultural sensitivity - Ecological Construction and Intelligent Control - Education and training - Gardens and Visual Representation: West-East, 1400-1800 - Green Building Materials - Green facades - Healing Spaces, Modern Architecture, and the Body - Individual buildings and building types - Landscape of Scale - Left Critique and Modern Architecture - Life cycle assessment and durability - Other Postmodernisms: Alternative Genealogies of the Recent Past - Placing the Profession: Early Contexts for Interior Design Practice in the World - Project and construction processes - Shaping Postmodern Architecture: The Medium is the Message - Spatial Violence - Sustainability indices in architecture - Sustainable Architecture - The 'Well-Tempered Environment': a Fresh Airing - The Architecture of Spirituality in a Multicultural Setting - The Architecture Legacy of Oscar Niemeyer - The Changing Face of Urban Cartography - The Elusive Gothic in the Long 18th Century - Theories of Architecture - Town planning - Traditional Construction Materials - Transformative design - Urban Planning and Design - Urban regeneration and sustainable development - Visionary Entrepreneurs: The Strong Wills that Built Texas - Westward Inhalation: Health and Architecture of the Southwest Civil Engineering - Acid sulphate soils/estuarine wetlands rehabilitation, - Activated Flyash as a Binder in Pavement, - Actuator systems based on Piezoelectric ceramics, - Admixture Incompatibility in fresh concrete, - Advanced Construction Materials : Microsilica in Concrete, - Advanced design of concrete structures, - Advanced Reinforced Concrete, - Advancement in Concerte Technology, - Analysis Of Dynamic Cone Penetration (Dcp) Test Results For Pavement Design, - Application of Genetic Algorithm in Irrigation Scheduling, - Application Of Infrared Thermography In Concrete Engineering, - Application Of Large Deformation Analysis In Soil Mechanics, - Approaches To Greenbelt Design, - Automated creation of post-tensioning shop drawings, - Bamboo as a Building Material, - Basalt Rock Fibre (BRF), - Beach Restoration, - Behavior of Bridge Bearings under seismic forces, - Bio - Engineering Techniques For Erosion Control In Slopes, - Bio-medical waste management and the strategy, - Block Surveying(Block Leveling), - Building Codes, - Building Planning and Design, - Carbon fiber, - Cast-in-Place Architectural Concrete, - CFST Columns, - Chloride Corrosion in Concrete Beams, - Coastal erosion due to near shore perturbations, - Coastal feature-cuspate forelands and crenulate bays, - Coastal morphology, - Coastal Sediment Transport-Coastal Sediment Transport, - Composite Construction, - Concrete Technology, - Construction Challenges For Bridges In Hilly Area, - Construction Engineering Systems, - Construction management life cycle processes, - Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement, - Contour Surveying, - Corrosion Of Reinforcement In HVFA Concrete, - Decorative concretes, - Design Aspects For Terrorist Resistant Buildings, - Design Considerations For Roadside Safety, - Design of continuous beams and girders, - Design of flexible pavements, - Design of hydraulic structures such as weirs, reservoirs, dams, - Design of water tanks using eccentric stiffners, - Designing of pond and canal liners, reservoir covers and dams using geomembranes, - Deterioration of Reinforced Concrete, - Differential Settlement on Storage Tank Shells, - Drainage considerations in pavements design, - Eco-concrete? Opportunities and Challenges, - Efficient creation of rebar drawings, - Emergency Shelter Through Superadobe Technology, - Engineering Aspects Of Reinforced Soil, - Engineering Behavior Of Soils And Foundations, - Engineering of irrigation systems including canals and rivers, - Evacuation Patterns In High Rise Buildings, - Evolution Of Concrete Skyscrapers, - Fatigue Behavior Of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Beams, - FEM analysis of Burried Pipelines, - Fire Behavior Of Steel Penetrating Concrete Wall, - Flexible Pavement, - Formwork and supportive scaffolding, - Geosynthetics in Pavement Design, - Geotechnical Engineering, - Geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids and geonets, - Grid stability using non-conventional energy sources, - High Performance Concrete, - High technology retrofitting methods using FRP material, - Highway Design and Safety, - Hydrology, - Impact Of Lightening On Building And Its Remedial Measures, - Improving the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in post-conflict situations, - Instrumentation and sensing technology, - Integration with Autodesk Revit Structures, - Intelligent Transport System, - Interlinking of Indian Rivers -Challenges and Prospects, - Laminated Floorings, - Latest advances in 2D EFM and 3D FEM slab and raft design software, - Leakage Treatments to External walls, - Liquefaction - Thixotropic Clay, - Liquefaction Potential Assessment, - Long Term Behaviour of Concrete Bridges, - Magnetorheological Fluids And Devices, - Mineral Admixtures For High Performance Concrete, - Mixed Traffic Control and Behavior, - Mobile Inspection Platform, - Modern Concepts Of Rural Road Development, - Monolithic Concrete Domes, - Nano-material, - Natural Fibres In Concrete, - New Techniques Of Erosion Control On Hill Roads, - Optimising GPR investigation for roads, - Outstanding Structures, - Passive Solar Buildings, - Pavement Design By Using Geotextile, - Pavement Design-Elastic layered systems, - Pavement Evaluation And Application Of Geotextiles In Pavements, - Perpetual Pavements, - Piano Key Spillways for Dams, - Piled embankment systems, - Pile-Soil Situation, - Plastic as Soil Stabilizer, - Plum Concrete, - Polymer Composites in Bridge Rehabilitation, - Post tensioned concrete beams, - Prediction of soil response to earthquake motion, - Pre-Stressed concrete Box girders, - Pre-stressed concrete design advances, - Provision of Tunnels, - Rain water Diversion, - Rapid design using advanced 2D Equivalent Frame Method software, - Reactive Powder Concrete, - Recycled Aggregate Concrete and pavement materials, - Reflection Cracking of Bituminous Overlay and Its Control, - Rehabilitation And Repairs Of Corrosion Distressed Structures By Composite Fibre Wrapping and Electrochemical Techniques(21), - Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy, - Rehabilitation Of Buildings and Bridges, - Rehabilitation of pavement systems, - Remote Sensing , GIS And Its Applications, - Repair And Strengthening Of Concrete Structures, - Reservoir Induced Seismicity, - Restoration Of Monuments, - Restrained Steel Components in Fire, - Retrofitting Using FRP Laminates, - Retroplate Concrete polishing system, - Runway Resurfacing And Repair Using Modern Materials and Techniques, - Safety In Nuclear Power Plants, - Seaming of geomembranes and geotextiles, - Seismic Behavior of Isolated Bridges, - Seismic Isolation Devices, - Seismic Retrofitting and Rehabilitation of Bridges, - Self Compacting Concrete, - Shore protection and beach nourishment, - Silica Fume Concrete, - Slump Test and Cone test- Workability evaluation of Concrete, - Smart material actuators, - Smart Materials, - Smart Structures, - Soil And Water Conservation / Watershed management, - Soil Improvement Techniques, - Soil Liquefaction, - Soil Mechanics-Soil mineralogy and electro-kinetic phenomena, - Soil Stabilization With Rice Husk Ash and Lime Sludge, - Soil Support Systems, - Soil-pipe interaction: The environmental aspect, - Solar architecture of a building, - Solid Waste Management, - Space Hotel, - Stabilization of Clay Using Lime and Pond Ash, - State-of-the-art use of 3D FEM analysis and design for optimised slab designs, - Storm-water management , - Stress Ribbon Bridges, - Structural Behavior Measurement, - Structural Engineering, - Structural Failures, - Super-plasticisers for Ready Mix Concrete Plants, - Tailoring uncertainty in landfill designs, - The Aesthetics of Proportion In Structural Form, - The Role Of Soils In Purifying Wastewater Effluents, - Thermal Expansion of Concrete, - Thermally Comfortable Passive House For Tropical Uplands, - Thermo Mechanical behavior of Clay, - Time history analysis of Bridges, - Traffic barriers, crush cushions and other safety features of highways - Design and Construction, - Trenchless Technology, - Triaxial Compression test - Evaluation of cohesive soil, - Trickle irrigation systems, - Urban Transportation Planning, - Use Of Discrete Fiber In ROAD CONSTRUCTION, - Use of Geogrids in Waste Containment Applications, - Use Of Polymer Composites in Bridge Rehabilitation, - Utilization of wastes in construction, - Value Engineering, - Vane Shear test, - VHydraulic Structure and Water Power Engg., - Water Resources Development in Developing Countries, - Water Resources Engineering, - Water Supply and Sanitation, - Wind excited buildings and the effect of structural eccentricity, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING - A comparative study on durability of concrete tunnels undertaken in AP irrigation projects, - A new composite element for FRP Reinforced Concrete Slab, - Analysis of large dynamic structure in environment industry, - Behavior of RC Structures subjected to blasting, - Building environmental assessment methodology, - Effect of negative Poisson’s ratio on bending of RC member, - Effect of shear lag on anchor bolt tension in a base plate, - Elastic plastic bending, load carrying capacity of steel members, - Estimation of marine salts behavior around the bridge structures, - FE Analysis of lateral buckling of a plate curved in nature, - Finite element model for double composite beam, - Long term deflections of long span bridges, - Macroeconomic cause within the life cycle of bridges, - Numerical study on strengthening of composite bridges, - Prefabricated multistory structure, exposure to engineering seismicity, - Prefabricated multistory structure, exposure to engineering seismicity, - Properties of Fiber Cement Boards for building partitions, - Pushover analysis â€" cyclic loading, deterioration effect in RC Moment Frames in pushover analysis, - Rapid design using advanced 2D Equivalent Frame Method software, - Seismic analysis of interlocking blocks in walls, - Shape optimization of Reinforced underground tunnels, - Strengthening effect for RC member under negative bending, - Structural Behavior Measurement, - Structural damage detection in plates using wavelet theories (transforms), - Theoretical study on High frequency fatigue behavior of concrete, Environmental dynamics - Advanced treatment of water and secondary effluents (membranes, adsorption, ion exchange, oxidation etc), - Advances in biological, physical and chemical processes, - Aesthetic quality of drinking water (taste, odors), - Air and water pollution, - Air emission trading, - Air pollution and control, - Anaerobic treatment, - Atmospheric modeling and numerical prediction, - Atmospheric modelling and numerical prediction, - Atmospheric physics, - Biodegradation of hazardous substances, - Biodiversity conservation, - Biofuels, - Brownfields rehabilitation, - Carbon capture technologies, CO2 transport, storage and use, - Clean technologies and Sustainable cities, - Climate and climatic changes, - CO2 emission and reductions, - Co-firing with a CO2-neutral biomass, - Community participation, - Control technologies, - Deforestation, - Development issues, - Disaster Management and mitigation, - Disaster Recovery, - Disinfection and disinfection by- products, - Eco friendly power systems, - Economic analysis, - Economic instruments, - Ecosystems health, - Eco-technology, - Effect of distribution systems on potable water quality, - Effect of Oil Spill on Marine Environment, - Electrostatic precipitators, - Emission sources, - Energy and the environment, - Environmental health risk, - Environmental impact assessment and mitigation, - Environmental policies and planning, - Environmental policy and regulation development, - Environmental restoration and ecological engineering, - Environmental sustainability, - Environmental systems approach, - Fate of hazardous substances, - Feng Shui And Vaastu Shastra, - Floating, ecological, multi-power source desalination plant, - Food and the environment, - Geophysics, - GIS for Civil Engineers, - Global environmental change and ecosystems management, - Global Environmental Facility, - Global Practices of Environmental engineering law, - Global warming, - Green Building, Modern Architecture in Indoor energy saving, - Green Buildings For Quality Living, - Green concrete, - Green energy and indoor technologies for smart buildings, - Green IT concept, - Ground water management, - Ground water remediation, - Habitat reconstruction, - Hazardous substances and detection techniques, - Hazardous Waste Disposal, - Health and the Environment, - Health related organisms, - Hydrology, - Indoor air pollution, - Industrial wastewater treatment, - Institutional development, - Integrated ecosystems management, - Interaction between pollutants, - Interlinking of Indian Rivers -Challenges and Prospects, - IPR, Environmental Policies and Ethics, - Landscape degradation and restoration, - Leachate treatment, - Legal, economic and managerial aspects of solid waste management, - Legislation and regulations, - Life cycle analysis, - Limnology and Coastal Ecology, - Management and regulation of point and diffuse pollution, - Management of hazardous solid waste, - Management of water treatment residuals, - Marine Pollution, - Mathematical modeling for ecological studies, Meteorology, - Modelling and decision support tools, - Monitoring and analysis of environmental contaminant, - Nano-Technologies / Material Sciences, - Natural resources management, - New trends in Urban Development, - Nutrients removal, - Oceans as a Non-conventional Source of Energy, - On site and small scale systems, - Optimization of collection systems, - Ozone layer depletion, - Physical oceanography, - Process modelling, - Prospects of Renewable Energy, - Public participation, - Quality guidelines, environmental regulation and monitoring, - Recent trends in Engineering for Environment Protection, - Recycling and reuse, - Renewable sources of energy-energy savings, - Resource management, - Reuse of reclaimed waters, - Risk analysis, - Role of GIS application in Environmental protection, - Satellite applications in the environment, - Significance of Carbon credit in modern Industrialization, - Sludge treatment and reuse, - Soil contamination, - Soil decontamination, - Solid waste management, - Storm-water management, - Suspended and fixed film biological processes, - Sustainable cities, - Technical aspects of treatment and disposal methods (landfilling, thermal treatment etc), - Toxicity assessment and epidemiological studies, - Toxicity studies, - Transboundary cooperation, - Trans-boundary cooperation, - Waste minimization, - Waste valorization, - Wastewater and sludge treatment, - Water resources and river basin management, - Water resources management, - Water treatment and reclamation, - Wetlands, Abstract Submission: Abstracts not exceeding 300 words on any of the aforesaid themes should be sent to the Organizing Secretary through email at conferencedelhi123@gmail.com on or before 12th April, 2014. Intimation of Acceptance of Abstract will be issued within 24 to 48 hrs of submission time. Submission of Full Length Research Paper Full length research paper, maximum in 6 pages and copyright form should be submitted together as separate attachment latest by 15th April, 2014 through email at - conferencedelhi123@gmail.com Intimation of Acceptance of Full Paper will be issued within 24 to 48 hrs of submission time. Submission of Registration form: Submission of Registration fees latest by 17th April, 2014. Registration process can be initiated after receiving acceptance letter of full paper. Accommodation Free one day Accommodation will be available to the limited no. of out station non N.C.R. Delegates at JNU guest house and nearby other guest houses/hotels around conference venue. The Tariff rate for next day and subsequent day accommodation is as follows: Double-bed Room at Rs.800/- per person (Indian non N.C.R. delegates) and 50 USD for Foreign delegates on sharing basis per day (check out time noon to noon). To and fro transportation facility from guest house to the conference Venue will be provided by the organizer. NOTE: In case Research article is accepted by the editorial committee it will be published and released on the day of conference in case the delegates are not able to physically present their paper due to some or other reason his/her research paper will be published (in absentia) and published copy along with certificate will be dispatched to his/her correspondence address by post just after the conference at no extra cost. All communication should be by e-mail/online only (no hard copy is required to be posted). Mandatory steps to be followed:- 1. In case of multi authored research paper, at least one Registration is mandatory. 2. In case other author/co-author wish to physically attend the conference they need to pay full Registration fees individually, separate Journal and Certificate along with the conference kit will be issued to them. Co- Authors are requested to fill and submit separate Registration forms in case they are physically attending the conference. 3. Charges for extra copy of Journal/ Certificate for other Co-author (if required) should be paid along with preliminary Registration by the corresponding author. 4. Listener/ Accompanying person are not eligible for free accommodation even for one night. However if they require they have to pay Accommodation charges even for one day. Registration The participants are requested to register by sending the duly filled Registration form through e-mail along with their research paper and registration fees (through RTGS/ Wired Transfer or Online Transfer) Foreign Participants as listener are not allowed, only authors from foreign country/countries will be allowed in this conference. |
Ph.D. in Technologies for the Exploitation
of the Built Heritage .
Senior Lecturer in the Dept. of Architecture
College of Engineering , University of Mosul
Mosul - Iraq .
E-mail: emadhanee@yahoo.com
Web Site: http://sites.google.com/site/emadhanee/
Tel : +964 (0)770 164 93 74
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